On 16th of January 2018 organized by Matthias Alfeld at the Laboratoire d’Archéologie Moléculaire et Structurale (LAMS), CNRS UMR 8220, Sorbonne Université, UPMC Univ Paris 06. 4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France Tower 23, 3rd Floor, Door: 23-33 9:30 Informal Welcome + Coffee 10:00 Welcome 10h15 {Comparison of 3 exploratory multivariate data analysis methods} Douglas Rutledge , Agro Paris Tech 11:00 {Exploring hyperspectral images with chemometrics. From basics to advanced approaches.} Ludovic Duponchel, Lille University 11h45 {Data treatment strategies for in-situ spectroscopic imaging of archeological objects – Challenges and Solutions} Matthias Alfeld, LAMS, Sorbonne Universities 12:30 Lunch break 14:00 {Cross disciplinary handling of hyperspectral datasets: some lessons learned and developed tools in the field of compression and classification} Alberto Signoroni, University of Brescia 14:45 {Molecular networking approach to decipher LC-MS/MS big data} David Touboul, CNRS, ICSN, Gif-sur-Yvette 15:30 Discussion {{Registration:}} Participation is free but the number of available seats is limited. Please register before the 15th of January via email: matthias.alfeld at upmc.fr {{Télécharger le programme :}}